首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >稀有血型系统的研究进展




随着对输血认识的提高,血型抗体分为规则抗体和不规则抗体两类.ABO血型以外的抗体称为不规则抗体,它是临床输血引起溶血性输血反应的重要因素之一.目前,对不规则抗体的检查已广泛应用于输血反应的诊断与预防,特别对有妊娠史和输血史的患者来说,是确保其输血安全与生命安全的重要措施.因此,为了提高对稀有血型系统的认识,建立一个完整的血型资料库,具有极其重要的现实临床意义.%With the improvement of blood transfusion knowledge, blood antibody is divided into rules antibodies and irregular antibody. Outside of the ABO blood group antibody, it is called irregular antibody. It is one of the important factors in the clinical hemolytic transfusion reactions. At the moment, the examination of irregular antibody has been widely used in the diagnosis and prevention of transfusion reactions, especially for the patient who is a pregnancy or has the history of blood transfusion. It is an important measure to ensure the safety of blood transfusion. Therefore ,we should improve the understanding of the rare blood group system,and establish a complete blood type database, it has important realistic clinical significance.



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