首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >三种尿隐血检测方法的价值与互补关系




目的探讨干化学法、尿红细胞镜检及单克隆抗体免疫法检测尿隐血(红细胞)的价值与互补关系.方法对尿干化学检测隐血阳性的319例标本进行显微镜检查,对微镜检查红细胞阴性的35例标本进行单克隆抗体免疫法测试.结果 284例尿干化学检测阳性标本显微镜检测可发现红细胞,干化学测定隐血1+的标本显微镜检测阴性概率高,而隐血2+、3+的标本显微镜检测无此现象.显微镜检查红细胞阴性的35例标本进行单克隆抗体法测定隐血阳性30例,阴性5例.结论显微镜检测法是尿红细胞检测的参考标准,干化学法可弥补镜检不能检出的破坏的红细胞之不足,单克隆抗体免疫法在镜检和干化学法检测结果不可解释时,有重要的鉴别诊断价值.%Objective To investigate the value and complementary relationship of desiccation research method method, the microscopic examining of urine red blood cell and experimental method of monoclonal antibody. Methods Sample of 319 patients whose result of urine desiccating chemistry examination is positive under the microscope. Sample of 35 patients whose result of red blood cells test were negative under microscopic did the monoclonal antibody and immunity. Results 284 patients whose test of urine desiccating chemistry examination is positive under the microscope found red blood cells. Testing occult blood by desiccating chemistry method showed 1 +, therewas much probability of negative result under microscopic examining testing, test 35 samples whose result of red blood cells test were negative under microscopic did the monoclonal antibody immunity, among them30 sample s were positive,5 samples were negative. Conclusion The microscopic exam measurement is the urine red blood cell examination reference standard, the desiccation research method make good to thedestruction ofredblood cellwhich cannot be picked out under microscopic. The monoclonal antibody immunity method has the important distinction diagnosis value. When the result can not be explained by microscopic examining and the desiccating chemistry examination.



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