首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >跟骨骨折治疗现状




由于跟骨结构的特异性和复杂性,治疗不当易造成跟骨疼痛、行走困难等严重后遗症,因此追求解剖复位并可靠固定是治疗的目的.近年来,跟骨骨折的治疗,如切开复位锁定板固定、经皮撬拨、关节镜、植骨等取得了较大进展,手术方法多样,在并发症的预防方面也有长足的进步.由于跟骨骨折致残率高,并发症多,多年来对其治疗一直争论很大.%Due to the specificity and the complexity of the calcaneum structure,it's easy to cause calcaneum ache,difficulty walking and other serious sequela if not treated well, therefore the pursuit of anatomical reduction and reliable fixing is the treatment goal.In recent years, the calcaneum bone fracture's treatment,such as the incision replacement lockplate fixing, percutaneous by leverage, the arthroscope, bone grafting and so on, has made great progress, the surgery method was diversified, and it also makes considerable progress in the complication prevention aspect.Because the disability rate of calcaneum bone fracture is high, and many complication are easily caused, it caused big argument for the treatment in many years.



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