首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >糖尿病肾病的中医药研究进展




At present , diabetic nephropathy( DN )is still the leading cause of end-stage renal disease around the world. While ancient Chinese medicine treatment can do better in improving clinical symptoms , reducing urinary protein and delaying kidney failure and other areas. The main pathogenesis of DN is the deficient fundamental with excessive incidental. The advantage of traditional chinese medicine therapy in treating DN lies in dialectical treatment, staging and classification , and the combination of disease and syndrome differentiation. The essential therapy is supplementing qi, nourishing yin, activating blood and veins, enhancing spleen and kidney and warming yang and excerting water. traditional chinese medicine . Chinese medicine single herbal extracts can improve the clinical symptoms. Compared with western medicine therapy , TCM treats DN from more aspects and the adverse reaction is smaller and safer. traditional chinese medicine is more suitable for people with chronic disease and for long-term use. But it is insufficient of traditional chinese medicine prevention DN , such as the lack of standardized DN diagnosis , typification , efficacy evaluation standard.%目前在世界范围内,糖尿病肾病(DN)仍旧是导致终末期肾病的最重要原因.中医药防治DN在改善临床症状、降低尿蛋白、延缓肾功能衰竭等方面有很大的优势.DN的主要病机为本虚标实.中医药治疗本病的优势在于能够辨证施治,分期、分型论治,辨病与辨证相结合.主要治法为益气养阴活血和络、健脾补肾、温阳利水等.单味中药、中药提取物及中药复方制剂均能改善临床症状.中医药多靶点治疗DN,相对于西药治疗不良反应小、安全,适用慢性病长期服用,但中医防治DN亦存在不足,即缺乏规范化、标准化DN的诊断、辨证分型、疗效评定标准.



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