首页> 中文期刊> 《医学综述》 >全髋关节置换术治疗晚期髋关节结核的研究进展




The morbidity of tuberculosis is rising in recent years ,showing a trend younger patient age ,and the incidence of coxotuberculosis is also increasing .Total hip arthroplasty as an effective method for treatment of advanced hip joint tuber-culosis has been widely used in clinical ,which can alleviate pain ,improve the function and mobility of hip joint .However , there is still dispute about the time of operation ,the selection of prosthesis and how to prevent tuberculosis recurrence .With the increasing of new minimally invasive techniques in orthopedics field and the increasing of rehabilitation requirements in young adults ,how to develop the advantage and avoid the limitations and risks of minimally invasive technology is of great importance .%近年来随着结核病患者增多,且呈现年轻化趋势,髋关节结核的发病率也随之升高.全髋关节置换术作为目前晚期髋关节结核的有效治疗方法,能显著缓解疼痛,改善髋关节功能,增加术后患髋活动度,已逐步广泛应用于临床,但是手术时机的选择,术中假体的选择及如何预防术后结核复发仍存在争议.近年来因微创技术在骨科领域的兴起,青壮年患者对手术疗效的要求较高,如何规避微创髋关节置换术的局限性和风险性,发挥其优势治疗髋关节结核则显得尤为重要.



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