首页> 中文期刊> 《西部医学》 >重度妊娠高血压综合征的护理




目的 探讨重度妊娠高血压综合征(重度妊高症)的护理方法.方法 为42例重度妊高征患者产前、产后提供安静、舒适的住院环境,从心理护理、病情观察、用药护理等方面实施科学的、有效的护理措施.结果 34例采用剖宫产手术终止妊娠,8例自然分娩,4例并发子痫;1例孕妇脑栓塞,婴儿死亡.结论 为重度妊高征患者实施科学的、有效的护理措施,可提高治疗效果及产科质量,减少母婴并发症的发生.%Objective To explore the nursing approach of the patients with severe pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (sPIH).Methods Patients with sPIH were provided 1 quiet, comfortable hospital environment, and scientific and effective nursing care was given from the psychological care, the condition observation, medication management and other aspects of expanding.Results 34 cases with sPIH were terminated pregnancy by cesarean section, 8 cases of a natural childbirth, eclampsia occurred in 4 patients, cerebral embolism occurred in one case associated with infant death.Conclusion For cases with sPIH, scientific and effective nursing measures and treatment can improve the quality of obstetric and reduce the incidence of complications of female infants.



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