首页> 中文期刊> 《西部医学》 >女性乳腺结构的X线特征及分型探讨




Objective To find effective means for breast cancer screening by discussing, analyzing and catergorizi-ng the different types of famale's mammagraphy based on mammography. Methods Mammography were taken by random sample of 1700 mammary gland patients in MianYangCincluding 1020 outpatient cases,680 physical examination cases ). Based on the X-images of the mammary gland patients to analyze and catergorize the different types of famale's mammagraphy. Results Among these 1700 cases, 1065 are classified large amounts of gland-type, occupying 62. 65% s 282 are classified compact type,occupying 16. 59%;280 are classified small amounts of gland-type,occupying 16. 47% ;73 are classified fat type, occupying 4. 29%. Conclusion Chinese women's breasts are smaller and more dense. The classification according to BI-RADS (Breast imaging reporting and data system) is less precise, but easy and pratical to master and worthy of popularization in clinics and it can be used as a means of breast cancer screening.%目的 探讨女性乳腺结构的X线特征及其分型,为中国乳腺癌普查寻找有效手段.方法 对随机抽取的1700例(其中门诊1020例,体检680例)绵阳地区的女性进行乳腺X线摄影,以X线影像为基础,进行阅片、分析、统计,并记录X线分型,开展女性乳腺结构的X线特征及其分型研究.结果 1065例为多量腺体型,占62.65%(1065/1700例),282例为致密型,占16.59%(282/1700例),280例为少量腺体型,占16.47%(280/1700例),73例为脂肪型,占4.29%(73/1700例).结论 中国女性乳房较小且较致密,以BI-RADS“乳腺影像报告和数据系统”作为诊断标准分型,方法虽然欠精确,但在临床应用中简便,易掌握,切合实际,可作为乳腺癌的普查手段之一.



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