首页> 中文期刊> 《西南国防医药》 >活门式带蒂骨膜骨瓣修复上颌窦手术的前壁骨缺损




Objective:To investigate the functional reconstruction of the osseous defect after maxillary sinusotomy and reduce the postoperative complications.Method:A periosteal trapdoor bone flap was made in the facial wall of maxillary sinus.The flap was replaced after the removal of the ill sinus.Result:38 patients received these flaps.One-year following-up showed that there was no complications occurred.All symptoms of the patients vanished.12 subjects took CT examination and Water's view was observed in 26 subjects.It was indicated that bony consolidation took place and was connected to the surrounding bone tissues,there was no relapse.Conclusion:This operative method can reconstruct the maxillary sinus natural form and function,and reducl the complication,It is should be used in the maxillary sinusotomy.%目的:探讨上颌窦手术功能性修复窦腔前壁骨缺损,减少手术并发症。方法:在上颌窦前壁设计一个活门式蒂在上方的骨膜骨瓣。清除上颌窦内病灶,然后将骨膜骨瓣复位,关闭窦腔。结果:本组38例(42例),术后1年随访,无手术并发症,原症状消失。26例X线照片,12例CT检查未见疾病复发,上颌窦前壁开窗处骨愈合良好。结论:活门式带蒂骨膜骨瓣修复上颌窦手术窦腔前壁骨缺损,无手术并发症,上颌窦生理功能不受破坏。



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