首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学创新》 >操作风险等级评定在护生带教中的应用效果




Objective:To find an effective method to increase operational opportunities for nursing students,and increase the quality of teaching. Method:All of nursing students were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group,and the two groups respectively used the pertinent teaching method and the traditional teaching method after selected the operation risk grade.The teaching effect was investigated by questionnaires. There were eight dimensions in the questionnaire,including improving self-assessment capacity of nursing students,helping nursing students to understand features of undergraduate nursing,increasing communication effect of students,improving operational level of nursing students,helping to improve the capacity of analyzing problem in nursing students,strengthening comprehension and application of knowledges in nursing students,promoting nursing students to learn autonomously,and strengthening target of practice in nursing student.Scores of the two groups were compared to evaluate teaching effects,including scores of theory examinations,operations evaluation,and the comprehensive evaluation of nursing students.Result:There were 89.5%people who thought the experimental teaching method was very good,including 138 nursing students,56 teachers,and 10 head nurses.Total scores increased 13.6 points compared with the method of traditional teaching.The scores of the experimental group were more than those in the control group in dimensions with the theory test,operations evaluation,and the comprehensive evaluation respectively.Conclusion:Teachers should select pertinent teaching methods through the risks involved after grading nursing risks,which can improve the quality of teaching,and reduce teaching risks.%目的:寻找增加护生操作机会的有效方法,提高带教质量。方法:将护生随机分成试验组和对照组,分别选用操作风险等级评定后,有针对性地带教和传统带教方法带教;采用问卷调查法,从提高护生自评能力、帮助护生了解本科护理特色、增加师生沟通效果、提高护生操作水平、帮助护生提高分析问题能力、加深护生对所学知识理解和运用、促进护生自主学习、强化护生实习目标性,共八个维度,调查两组带教效果;再对比两组护生理论考试、操作考核、综合考评成绩,评价两组带教效果。结果:138名护生、56名带教老师、10名护士长中,89.5%认为试验组带教方法很好,相对于传统带教方法,总分提高了13.6分。两组成绩对比结果显示:试验组理论考试、操作考核、综合考评成绩均高于对照组。结论:护理操作风险等级评定后,根据风险大小,选择有针对性的带教方法,可提高教学质量,减少带教风险。



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