首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学创新》 >全程优质护理在支气管镜检查中的应用体会




目的:探讨支气管镜检查患者实行优质护理的效果。方法:将本科2012年3-6月进行支气管镜检查的24例患者作为对照组,给予常规护理;2012年7-12月行支气管镜检查的36例患者作为优质护理组,实施全程优质护理,比较两组患者检查前血压和心率、检查时间、支气管镜相关知识掌握程度、满意度。结果:优质护理组检查前血压和心率、检查时间、支气管镜相关知识掌握程度、满意度均优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:优质护理服务能够优化支气管镜检查流程,提高护理工作质量,创建和谐护患关系的重要措施。%Objective:To investigate the efficacy of whole course high quality nursing care of patients with bronchoscopy.Method:24 patients with bronchoscopy from March 2012 to June 2012 were taken as the control group and given routine nursing care;36 patients from July 2012 to December 2012 were taken as high quality nursing care group and given whole course high quality nursing care. Blood pressure and heart rate before bronchoscopy, duration of bronchoscopy,related knowledge of bronchoscopy,satisfaction were compared between the two groups.Result:Blood pressure and heart rate before bronchoscopy,duration of bronchoscopy,related knowledge of bronchoscopy and satisfaction in high quality nursing care group were better than the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion:Whole course high quality nursing care can optimize the bronchoscopic examination process,improve the quality of nursing work,is an important measure to create a harmonious relationship between nurse and patient.



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