首页> 中文期刊> 《医学信息》 >虹桥社区居民慢性病相关知识知晓率调查




目的:了解社区居民慢性病相关知识掌握情况,为提高慢性病控制水平,进而提高居民健康水平提供依据。方法通过问卷调查,对305名社区居民基本情况及慢性病相关知识等情况进行调查分析。结果慢性病相关知识总知晓率为45.49%,文化程度较高者高于文化程度较低者,接受过社区卫生服务者高于未接受过社区卫生服务者,60岁及以上年龄组高于60岁以下年龄组,(P<0.05)。结论社区居民慢性病相关知识知晓率较低,应努力提高民慢性病相关知识知晓率,尤其是文化程度较低者、未接受过社区卫生服务者及60岁以下者,特别要重视目前相对薄弱的环节及方面。%Objective Understanding community residents with chronic conditions related knowledge,provide the basis for improving the level of control of chronic diseases,and to improve the health of residents.Methods Investigating The questionnaires with chronic conditions and basic knowledge for 305 community residents.Results The total rate of chronic diseases related knowledge was 45.49%,higher educational level is higher than the lower education level,acceptance of community health services were higher than those who received community health services,60 years and over age group above 60 years of age group (P<0.05).Conclusion Knowledge of community residents with chronic low awareness,ef orts should be made to improve the knowledge and awareness related chronic diseases among residents,especial y the lower level of education,not received by the community health service and 60 years of age,with particular at ention to the cur ent relatively weak links and aspects.



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