首页> 中文期刊>医学信息 >中频电疗加红外线疗法联合推拿治疗肩周炎的临床疗效观察




Objective To investigate the clinical ef icacy of medium frequency electrotherapy and infrared therapy combined with massage in treatment of periarthritis of shoulder. Methods 90 cases of periarthritis of shoulder were randomly divided into massage group, physical therapy group. Chinese medicine massage group manipulations traditional massage massage treatment of reference of traditional Chinese medicine, treatment time of 20min, physical therapy group selected Beijing Ben developed AoXin Technology Co. Ltd. BA2008-I type computer medium frequency electric therapy, the patient when the operation Qu Ping position, exposed shoulder, two pieces of warm boiling water with cot on pad after infiltration with two pieces of electrode plate discharge on the electrode plate, placed on both sides of the shoulder joint with sandbags, properly fixed, select"formula 4"cur ent intensity, to patients with obvious thril , mild tightening feeling is advisable, time is 20min. Then use the visible light infrared therapy (wavelength range:800~1.6mm short wave infrared), 20min treatment site ir adiation exposure, and then by massage 10min, loose solution adhesion of shoulder joint in total treatment time was 50min. The two groups were 5 /w treatment, continuous treatment of 10 times for 1 courses. Results After 10d treatment and before treatment were compared between the two groups were significantly improved, but the physical therapy group is bet er than the traditional Chinese massage group. Conclusion Medium frequency electrotherapy and infrared ray therapy combined with massage therapy is helpful to improve the clinical ef icacy of periarthritis of shoulder.%目的探讨中频电疗加红外线疗法联合推拿治疗肩周炎的临床疗效。方法90例肩周炎患者随机分为中医推拿组,物理治疗组。中医推拿组推拿手法参照中医学传统推拿手法进行推拿治疗,治疗时间20min,物理治疗组选用北京奔奥新技术有限公司研制的BA2008-I 型电脑中频电治疗,操作时患者取平卧位,暴露患肩,两块电极板用二块温开水渗后加棉垫放于电极板后,对置于肩关节两侧,用沙袋妥善固定,选择"处方4"电流强度,以患者有明显震颤感,轻度的紧缩感为宜,时间为20min。然后用可见光红外线治疗(波长范围为院800~1.6mm短波红外线),照射暴露的治疗部位20min,然后又采用手法推拿10min,松解粘连的肩关节总共治疗时间为50min。两组均5次/w治疗,连续治疗10次为1个疗程。结果治疗10d后与治疗前比较两组患者病情均明显改善,但物理治疗组优于中医推拿组,结论中频电疗加红外线疗法联合推拿治疗有助于提高肩周炎的临床疗效。



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