首页> 中文期刊> 《测控技术》 >铁路客车空调发电机组工况在线监控系统




To find abnormal operating conditions in time and avoid the diesel generator sets from been cracked-up due to it running with fault too long, the on-line monitoring system is designed. The system consists of moni toring devices installed on each train and a supervisory computer at the centre. The supervisory computer com municates with each device on-board in turn via Internet combined with GPRS( general packet radio service), and collects operating parameters of the generator set constantly. The supervisory computer automatically sends alarm messages to the trainman when paranormal data been detected. The system employs center to multi-terminal communicate mode with TCP to transfer the data. And no-microcomputer monitoring device is adopted in the system. The implemented system with simple structure and high reliability is cost-efficient and can transfer the information faster.%为及时发现铁路客车空调发电机组的异常工况,避免机组长时间带病运行和可能由此导致的设备报废或其他更大损失,设计了发电机组工况在线监控系统.系统由列车上的车载监控装置和一台地面监控中心计算机组成.二者借助通用分组无线业务和互联网结合方式通信,实现了客车运行中发电机组工作参数和报警信息的远程实时传输.系统监测到参数异常时通过车载声光报警、监控计算机声光报警和短信3种方式发出报警.监控系统数据通信传输层采用中心对多终端的TCP底层通信方式.车载监控装置采用无微机设计.实现的系统结构简单、成本低且信息反馈及时.



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