首页> 中文期刊> 《中国材料进展》 >舰船装备再制造防腐蚀技术研究及应用




Anti-corrosion remanufacture is a high technology for reparation and modification for service equipments or corroded equipments.Remanufacture fully provides the high added value for corroded equipments by using advanced tech-niques that are superior to manufacture,which makes remanufacture possess energy conservation and environment protec-tion feature.It can improve the corrosion resistance and prolong the service life of ship equipment and maximatily ensure the equipment underway by using remanufacture corrosion control.This paper introduces the application of high velocity arc spraying for long lasting corrosion protection,nano brush electroplating corrosion&wear resistance coating,amorphous chemical plating corrosion protection,nano-film anti-attrition &anti-corrosion technique and nano-corrosion resistance painting.Remanufacture is developing rapidly and promotes the construction of“resource saving”,“environmental friend-ly”society,which arises interest and support of the country leader.China has become one of the remanufacture centers in the world,Chinese characteristics remanufacture engineering has developed to a new stage.%再制造防腐蚀是针对在役装备或腐蚀装备所进行的高技术修复与改造。再制造通过使用优于原始制造的先进技术,充分挖掘了腐蚀装备中蕴含着的高附加值,使得再制造装备具有显著的节能环保特色。通过再制造关键技术对舰船装备进行腐蚀控制,将有效提高装备的防腐性能,赋予装备新的寿命,最大限度地保障舰船装备的在航率。文中着重介绍了高速电弧喷涂长效防腐技术、纳米电刷镀防腐耐磨涂层技术、非晶态合金化学镀层防腐技术、纳米固体薄膜减摩防腐技术和纳米防腐涂料及涂装等再制造防腐技术的实际应用。再制造工程在国内外得到了快速发展,推动了“资源节约型、环境友好型”两型社会的建设,已经引起了国家的高度重视和支持,中国已成为国际再制造中心之一,且已将具有中国特色的再制造工程发展到了一个新阶段。



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