首页> 中文期刊> 《海洋通报》 >基于QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场的台风最大风速半径反演及个例分析




建立了一种卫星遥感风场的最大风速半径(Rmax)反演方法.该方法基于QuikSCAT风场,结合JTWC台风参数资料,将遥感平均风剖面与Holland台风模型进行最小二乘法拟合来反演Rmax.2001-2009年13个台风69幅数据反演结果统计分析表明:用气压表征台风强度的P算法遥感反演结果与JTWC分析结果的标准差为10.7 km,效果较好.此外,通过0513、0519和0221 3个典型台风过程的Rmax演变情况分析表明:对于对称性结构较好的成熟台风,反演结果能较好地反映出不同台风的Rmax尺寸差别,台风过程中Rmax的演变情况符合台风发展情况;台风风场对称性差、地形以及背景流场的影响,是导致Rmax反演出现较大偏差主要因素.%The radius of maximum wind, Rmax, was retrieved from QuikSCAT remote sensing wind fields as well as JTWC tropical cyclone best track data by fitting the averaged wind profile of QuikSCAT to Holland typhoon model using least square method. The results of 69 wind fields during 13 typhoons from 2001 to 2009 showed that, the Rmax retrieved from QuikSCAT was quite well, and the standard deviation of Rmax between QuikSCAT retrieved and JTWC published was 10.7km. The analysis of the evolvement of Rmax, during typhoon 0513, 0519 and 0221 life cycle showed: for mature typhoon with circular symmetry wind filed structure, the QuikSCAT retrieved Rmax reflected the differences in size for different typhoon cases, and the evolvement of Rmax was consistent with the development of typhoon. Asymmetry wind filed structure, the influence of terrain or background current were the main error factors for retrieving Rmax.



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