首页> 中文期刊> 《管理评论》 >错失机会条件下调节模式对次优选择购买可能性的影响




Previous researches indicate that individuals are inclined to forgo a less attractive opportunity after missing an initial attractive one.However,some researchers proposed the opposite opinion that individuals have motivations to take actions when encountering the subsequent opportunity.In this paper,we confirm that it is possible for some kind of people to take actions even when they have missed the first attractive opportunity.Based on the literature regarding regulatory mode,we proposed that people with different regulatory modes vary in revaluating the product when missing the first attractive opportunity,which influences the likelihood to take the second less attractive opportunity.Specifically,individuals with high locomotion mode are more likely to take actions than individuals with high assessment mode when a less attractive opportunity is presented again after the first attractive one is missed.Furthermore,revaluation of the product mediates the effect of regulatory mode on the likelihood to buy.After missing the initial opportunity,individuals with high locomotion mode tend to anchor the initial price,while individuals with high assessment mode tend to anchor the most attractive price in the first opportunity.This leads individuals with high locomotion mode to revaluate the product at a higher value than those with high assessment mode.We test the hypotheses through two experiments.The results of Experiment 1 show that individuals ranked high in locomotion mode revaluate the product at a higher value and tend to be more likely to buy in the second opportunity than those ranked high in assessment mode.We examined the moderating effect of time interval in Experiment 2.When the initial opportunity is missed just a moment before rather than for a long time,individuals ranked high in locomotion mode are more likely to revaluate the product at a higher value than those ranked high in assessment mode and thus are more likely to buy when facing a less attractive opportunity.%以往关于错失机会条件下购买可能性的研究一般较少关注因为个体因素所致的次优机会选择上的差异.本文认为消费者对次优选择的购买可能性会因其消费者个体的调节模式不同而出现差异:以运动模式为主导的个体比以评估模式为主导的个体在错失机会条件下面对次优选择时表现出更高的购买可能性,并且,商品重新估值中介了调节模式对次优选择购买可能性的影响.本文还进一步证明了时间间隔的调节作用,相对于旱已错失的第一次机会,当面对刚刚错失的第一次机会时,与以评估模式为主导的个体相比,以运动模式为主导的个体对商品的重新估值更高,因而在次优选择中有更高的购买可能性;而当面对早已错失的第一次机会时,以运动模式为主导的个体和以评估模式为主导的个体在重新估值上的差异不再显著,从而在次优选择购买可能性上不再存在差异.



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