首页> 中文期刊> 《机械设计与制造》 >基于混合编程的风力发电机组轴承故障诊断系统




为了保障风力发电机组的安全可靠运行,结合风力发电机组中轴承故障特性,研发了一套针对风力发电机组轴承的故障诊断软件.该软件利用Visual C++和Matlab混合编程实现,可以对风机轴承进行数据采集和故障诊断.根据诊断结果可以对机组工作状态做出判断,针对异常情况可以帮助工作人员查明故障原因,提前做好预警和维护计划,提高风力发电效益.最后在模拟实验台上采集了故障轴承的振动信号并用该软件进行了时频分析、解调分析和倒谱分析,分析结果与实际故障吻合良好.%In order to ensure the safe operating of wind turbine generator system,a set of fault diagnosis software for bearing of the system is researched and developed combining with the bearing fault character of the wind turbine generator.By using hybrid programming of VC and Matlab data acquisition and fault diagnosis for bearing of the system are implemented, which result can be applied to determine the operating condition of the system, and help the workers to find failure cause and make predictive warning and maintenance plan,thus improve the benefit of wind power generatingMoreover ,the vibration signal of fault bearing is collected and time-frequency analysis,demodulation and cepstrum analysis for the signal is carried out by using this software on simulated experiment table,which result coincides well with the actual fault.



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