首页> 中文期刊> 《润滑与密封》 >基于小波的零件表面微观形貌多尺度重构




采用激光测量仪对车削机加工零件表面进行测量,获得零件亚纳米级的微观形貌数据,利用小波分析分时分频精细表达以及多分辨率分析的特点,建立粗糙表面多尺度重构模型,对基于真实测量数据的微观表面进行宏微观重构,并提出在不同尺度上提取粗糙表面的微凸体以精简数据的方法,从而实现在MATLAB和Pro/E中的微观表面建模仿真.提取的低频成分为零件表面二维和三维评定提供了基准,不同尺度上微观粗糙表面的重构为在不同精密等级上分析机加工工艺对零件表面粗糙度的影响提供了方法,Pro/E中重构的表面为有限元分析零件宏微观几何形貌与摩擦、润滑和密封的关联机制提供了几何模型.%The micron scale surface topography of the rough turning surface was measured by the contour admeasuring apparatus. The macroscopic and microcosmic surface was reconstructed in multi scale based on the wavelet analysis theory which has the advantage of multi resolution and multi dimension analysis on time-frequent. A method which picks up the micro-peaks in the different scale to reconstruct the rough surface was presented to simplify the data volume and reconstruct the surface in the MATLAB and Pro/E. The low-frequency components extracted from the surface provide the evaluation reference, and the multi-scale reconstruction of parts surface morphology gives the method to analyze the influence of the processing technique to surface roughness in different precision level. The reconstructed rough surfaces in the Pro/E provide the model for research on the relationship between the surface topography and the property,such as the attrition, the lubrication and the seal.



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