首页> 中文期刊> 《物流技术》 >O2O模式下基于大数据的物流企业变革策略研究




在“互联网+”和传统物流企业转型的背景下,对O2O模式下基于大数据的三种类型物流企业(平台型物流企业、自营型物流企业和第三方物流企业)的变革问题进分析。在O2O模式下,平台型物流企业资源整合方式由线下转移到线上,解决了流动资金占用、“信息孤岛”、地理位置限制下资源有限等问题。第三方物流企业通过O2O模式摆脱对中间商的过分依赖,并尝试跨界电商等新模式。自营型物流企业在O2O模式下结合大数据实现了仓储、运输、配送的成本降低和质量提升,因此,考虑企业物流运作各环节的相互关联,整体进行优化是企业的优化目标。%In this paper, against the background of internet+and the transformation of the traditional logistics enterprises, we analyzed the transformation of three classes of logistics enterprises (i.e., platform logistics enterprises, self-operated logistics enterprises, and TPL enterprises) under the O2O mode. Under the O2O mode, the platform logistics enterprises should relocate its resource integration mechanism from offline to online. The TPL enterprises should prevent overdependence on the intermediaries through the O2O mode and attempted at new business modes such as cross-sector e-business, etc. The self-operated logistics enterprises should reduce the cost and improve the quality of the storage, transportation and distribution processes using big data technologies under the O2O mode, thus it should pay more attention to the connection between the various logistics links.



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