首页> 中文期刊>华文文学 >钱基博《现代中国文学史》解题及其读法




Qian Jibo, master of Guoxue(Studies in Ancient Chinese Civilization)and educator, has produced writings that cover Sibu(four categories of ancient books that refer to the Confucian classics , orthodox histories , the pre-Qin hundred schools of thought and collections of literary works)and the hundred schools in the Spring and Autumn Period. With the reorganization and publication of Qian’s works in recent thirty years, studies in the history Qian’s biography and the history of his scholarly studies have been on the rise, particularly those in his A History of Literature in Modern China. Modeled on Qian ’s style of Jieti ( subject interpretation ) , this paper is an attempt to expound Qian ’s interpretation of“Modernity”,“Literature”and“History of Literature”in his A History of Literature in Modern China and to provide reflections by scholars on his views of“History of Modern Literature”as the age advances.%钱基博是近代着名的国学大师、教育家,著述兼及四部,旁涉百家。近三十年来,随着钱基博著述的整理出版,钱基博生平史、学术史的研究也日渐增多,尤其是对《现代中国文学史》的研究最为突出。本文略仿钱氏“解题”体,试图较为清晰地论述钱基博在《现代中国文学史》中展现的对“现代”、“文学”、“文学史”的阐释,及随着时代的推移,学人对钱基博这种“现代文学史”观的反思。



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