首页> 中文期刊>图书馆论坛 >信息消费视角下的云服务商知识产权归责原则




With the wide application of cloud computing,the reasonable application of the doctrine of liability fixation for cloud computing service providers is of great significance in solving intellectual property infringement disputes, keeping balance between rights holders and the development of cloud computing technology, maintaining the stability of social relations. Based on the characteristics of cloud computing technology and balance principles,some basis points are proposed as the choices of the doctrine of liability fixation for cloud computing service providers. According to the system of the doctrine of liability fixation at present,including fault liability principle, no-fault liability principle and fair liability principle, this paper analyzes the existing problem of imputation, thus putting forward some suggestions for the doctrine of liability fixation, such as fault liability principle is dominating and no-fault liability principle is complementary,adhere to the combination of subjective and objective on the fault judgment standard,making clear regulation for notification rule and anti-notification rule as well as exemptions.%云计算服务商的侵权责任归责原则的合理适用在解决信息消费中的知识产权侵权纠纷、平衡权利人的权益与云计算技术的发展、维护社会关系的稳定等方面具有重要意义.对云服务商知识产权侵权责任归责原则的选择应立足于现有归责原则体系,以平衡原则为选择基点,依据云计算的服务模式以及云环境下信息消费的特点,采用以过错责任为主、无过错责任为辅的双重责任体系,在过错的判断标准上坚持主客观说,对通知与反通知程序、免责范围进行明确规定.



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