首页> 中文期刊> 《激光技术》 >纳秒激光去除铝板表面漆膜热力学过程分析




为了研究并分析纳秒脉冲激光去除金属表面漆膜的机理,采用1064nm的纳秒激光对涂有漆膜的铝板样品进行了单脉冲辐照实验。依据热传导理论分别模拟出作用过程中漆膜以及铝板表层的温度分布,计算出漆膜与铝板界面处由于铝板基底热膨胀而产生的分离力,并分析了等离子体冲击波对去除漆膜的影响。结果表明,纳秒激光去除漆膜时力的作用为主导,其中热膨胀产生的分离力为漆膜的去除提供必要条件,漆膜对激光等离子体的约束最终导致其自身断裂和剥落。采用热力学理论对纳秒激光去除金属表面漆膜机理进行分析是可行的。%In order to study the laser stripping mechanism , paint film stripping from aluminum plate surface experiments were demonstrated using the radiation of 1064nm nanosecond pulse laser .According to thermal conductivity theory, the temperature distribution of the film and the aluminum surface under laser irradiation were simulated .The separating force generated by the aluminum plate at the interface due to thermal expansion was calculated .The formation of the plasma shock wave on the removal of the paint film was also analyzed .The result shows that the effect of force is the key factor for nanosecond laser removal of the film , separation force due to thermal expansion provides necessary condition for the removal of the film , and the constraint of the film on the laser plasma eventually leads to its own cracking and spalling . A conclusion was made that thermodynamic theory can be used for analysis of removal mechanism of metal surface coating with nanosecond laser .



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