首页> 中文期刊> 《遵义师范学院学报》 >我国刑法对累犯适用主体规定的不足及其立法完善




The amendment V to minor recidivist system in criminal law embodies the criminal policy of "tempering justice with mercy". According to the sixth stipulation, all the minor crimes does not constitute the accumulative offense, manifesting our country's "German principal penalty auxiliary" policy to the minor; nonetheless, blindly lenient sentence will connive at the crime excessively, thus requiring further argumentation. Whether these stipulations are applicable to minors or not depends on actual situations, otherwise, it will bring about the obviously disadvantageous consequences. The seventh article stipulated in the article has not been clear about the minor crime and the special accumulative offense's relations, and it must be made clear through the explanation of goal and the system.%刑法修正案(八)对未成年人累犯制度所作的修改体现的是我国刑事政策宽与严的对接。根据第六条规定,未成年人犯罪一律不构成累犯,体现了我国对未成年人“德主刑辅”的政策,但一味地轻判会过分纵容犯罪,因此这一规定仍存在值得商榷之处。对于未成年人是否适用累犯规定,应当根据实际情况而论,笼统地规定适用或不适用,都会带来较明显的不利后果。第七条规定的条文中并未明确未成年人犯罪与特别累犯的关系,应当通过目的和体系解释予以明确。



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