首页> 中文期刊> 《遵义师范学院学报》 >地方高校提升服务社会能力的对策研究




服务地方经济社会发展,培养全面发展的应用型人才,是地方高校的重要使命。对此,目前仍有一些高校认识不到位,设置的专业与课程不适应社会需求,应用型师资缺乏,服务地方发展的体制机制不够完善。国务院一再指示,要引导一批普通本科院校向应用技术型转型发展。作为地方高校,应坚定地树立深度融入区域经济社会发展的理念,加快专业调整和课程改革,优化师资结构,健全和完善产教融合、校企合作的运行机制,切实提升服务经济社会发展的能力。%It is an important mission for local higher schools to serve the development of local economy and society and to train applied talents with all-round development. In spite of this, there still exist some problems:some universities do not have a good understanding of this mission;majors and curriculums do not cater to the need of our society;there are not enough applied teachers;and the system for serving local economy is not perfect, etc. The state council reiterates that some colleges should be transformed to applied ones. As local higher schools, they should have the idea of involving themselves into the development of local economy and society, speed up the ad-justment of majors and courses, optimize the teaching faculty, improve and perfect the mechanism of fusion between production and tea-ching as well as the cooperation between school and enterprise, aiming to improving the serving ability.



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