首页> 中文期刊>镇江高专学报 >Serv-U FTP Server用户批量生成器设计

Serv-U FTP Server用户批量生成器设计



With the continuous development of information and network,setting up a FTP server becomes inevitable for better solution to the file network storage and management by teachers and students and achievement of the sharing of teaching resources and backup.However,a large number of students' accounts generating becomes a problem.Through the analysis of Serv-U FTP program and user profile,it proposed a kind method of generation of Serv-U FTP Server based on the VB for large quantities of users,and this method is used in the user configuration of the student FTP server in the network center.%随着高校资源信息化和网络化不断发展,为了更好地解决教师和学生文件的网络化存储与管理,实现教学资源共享和备份,在校园网中架设FTP服务器成为必然之选,但大量学生帐号生成成为一个难题。通过对Serv-UFTP程序及用户配置文件的分析,提出一种基于VB的Serv-U FTP Server用户大批量轻松生成的方法,并将此方法用于在学校网络中心学生FTP服务器用户配置中。



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