首页> 中文期刊>浙江科技学院学报 >印度导演拉库马·希拉尼喜剧类型电影风格探析




拉库马·希拉尼是印度近年来极具国际影响力的喜剧电影导演,他极富现实主义的批判精神和个性化的喜剧电影创作手法给人们以深刻启示.一方面,希拉尼以看似轻松的喜剧影像笔调映射、调侃和批判社会现实问题,在拆解社会顽疾的同时试图建构一种理想主义的生活图式;另一方面,他积极寻求内容与形式表达上的创新与突破,努力将印度歌舞叙事与国际化的试听表现手法融入类型人物的个性化塑造之中,逐渐形成了独具一格的神经喜剧电影艺术风格.探讨希拉尼喜剧类型电影风格与特征有助于我们更好汲取经验,打造具有国际竞争力的国产喜剧电影品牌.%Rajkumar Hirani is an Indian comedy film director with great international influence in recent years.The audience are profoundly enlightened by his highly realistic critical spirit and personalized comedy film creation methods .On the one hand , Hirani has mapped , ridiculed , and criticized social reality issues with seemingly relaxed comic images ,trying to construct an idealistic life pattern while dismantling social diseases .On the other hand ,he has actively explored innovation and breakthroughs in expression of content and forms ,striving to integrate the Indian singing and dancing narrative with internationalized auditioning techniques into the individualized shaping of typical characters ,as a result of which a unique art style of screwball comedy has come into being .Exploring the style and features of Hirani's comedy films will help us better learn from experience and create domestic competitive comedy movie brands with international competitiveness.



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