首页> 中文期刊>浙江外国语学院学报 >论语音/音系系统和句法/逻辑系统的同一性




Even if generative grammar has always treated the PF system and the LF system separately, our point of view is that they can be unified to some extent. We use concrete rules and principles as the jumping⁃off place in order to discuss the possibility of applying the same operations both to PF and LF. In other words,we aim to prove that the same interface conditions can apply to the articulatory⁃perceptual inter⁃face and the conceptual⁃intentional interface,which is not only confined to the faculty of language in the nar⁃row sense. Our evidence comes from French accusative and dative pronominal combination. This phenomenon can be explained in an elegant way by the phonological rule interaction “( counter) bleeding”.%生成语法历来把语音/音系系统和句法/逻辑系统分开处理的做法值得商榷,两者在一定程度上可能是同一的。文章从具体的结构分析出发,探讨同样的或类似的规则、原则及其之间的互动既存在于音系层面也存在于句法层面的可能性。其例证来自于法语中直接宾语代词和间接宾语代词在非命令式以及命令式的否定形式的线性排序现象,这一句法结构可以用音系学中的“(反)裁切”关系进行简单合理的解释。



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