首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >金欣口服液对呼吸道合胞病毒感染的肺巨噬细胞及BALB/c小鼠IL-1β表达的调控作用




[Objective] To investigate the regulation of Jin Xin oral liquid on the expression of IL-1β by Raw264.7ceDs and BALB/c mice infected with RSV. [Methods] in vitro experiment: Raw264.7 cells were cultured and divided into 4 groups. They were intervented by medicated serum. The supernatant serum was collected after being cultured for 24h and the content of IL-1β was determined by ELISA method. In vivo experiment: Observe the regulatory effect of Jin Xin oral liquid(the high dose equivalent to the drug of A before infection, the high dose and the equivalent dose of B before and after infection, the high dose and equivalent dose of C after infection) used for BALB/c mice, 72h 24h, 144h IL-ip by RSV in different dosage, different dosing time. [Results] When the Raw264.7 cells were infected after 24h, the supernatant serum did not detect the IL-iβ expression; but after the BALB/c mice were infected by RSV after 24h, 1L-1β expression had significant increase, Jin Xin high prevention group and equivalent prevention group were lowered of its expression and the equivalent prevention group reduced significandy.RSV infected BALB/c mice after 72h IL-1β expression quantity also significantly increased, but 24h slightly reduced. Jin Xin high prevention group and treatment group were down-regulated expression of IL-1β. After the BALB/c mice were infected for 144h, the IL-lβ expression decreased significantly, and all the Jin Xin treatment groups can upregulate the expression. [Conclusion] IL-1β was without expression after the Raw264.7 cells were infected for 24h; Jin Xin oral liquid prevention and treatment groups could significantly down -regulate the expression in the early time of BALB/c mice which were infected by RSV, to prevent lung injury with infection due to the excessive immune of body, prolonged IL-1β expression began to decline dramatically, Jin Xin oral liquid could recover it to the appropriate level, and increased the body's immunity.%[目的]探讨金欣口服液对呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染肺巨噬细胞(Raw264.7)及BALB/c小鼠白介素-1β(IL-1β)表达的调控作用.[方法]体外实验:培养Raw264.7细胞,共分4组(n=6),分别是正常细胞组,RSV感染模型组,利巴韦林注射液组,金欣口服液组.进行含药血清干预,收集24h的上清以酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定各组IL-1β的含量;体内实验:分为A组(感染前高剂量及等效剂量给药)、B组(感染前感染后高剂量及等效剂量给药)、C组(感染后高剂量及等效剂量给药)三大组,观察金欣口服液不同剂量、不同给药时间对RSV感染BALB/c小鼠24h、72h、144h时IL-1β表达的调控作用.[结果]RSV感染Raw264.7细胞后24h上清中未检测到IL-1β的表达.其中RSV感染BALB/c小鼠24h后IL-1β的表达量显著增加,A组中金欣口服液高预防组和等效预防组均能下调其表达且以等效预防组的下调作用明显;RSV感染BALB/c小鼠72h后IL-1β的表达量也显著增加,但较RSV感染24h时的表达量稍有减少,B组中金欣高预防组和治疗组IL-1β的表达均下调;RSV感染BALB/c小鼠144h后IL-1β的表达量显著减少,而C组中的金欣治疗组均能上调其表达.[结论]金欣口服液预防和治疗组在RSV感染BALB/c小鼠早期能显著下调其表达,防止机体因过度免疫而致肺损伤,随着感染时间持续延长IL-1β的表达开始急剧下降,而金欣口服液又能将其恢复到合适的水平,以增强机体的免疫力.



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