首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >盆炎净颗粒治疗慢性盆腔炎82例疗效及副反应观察




[目的]观察盆炎净颗粒冲剂临床治疗慢性盆腔炎(Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease,CPID)中的疗效及副反应.[方法]依标准选取在我院2010年5月至2012年7月门诊并被诊断为CPID160病例,随机法并以两组具有可比性为前提,分为对照组78例(口服左氧氟沙星胶囊及甲硝唑片),治疗组82例(在服用对照组药物基础上加服盆炎净颗粒,均1疗程后观察体征、症状改善情况、总有效率及副反应.[结果]对下腹坠痛腰骶酸痛、白带增多、子宫活动受眼压痛、输卵管条索状压痛4组主要体征、症状的总有效率分别为92.31%、87.93%、91.93%、81.25%,均优于对照组,前3组有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗组总有效率为97.56%,优于对照组89.74%,有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组副反应比较,治疗组优势显著,统计学差异有显著性(P<0.01).[结论]盆炎净颗粒冲剂治疗CHD临床疗效明确,副反应小,值得临床应用.%[Objective] To observe the cure effect and side effects of Penyanjing Granule treating chronic pelvic inflammation(CPI). [Method] Select 160 ofrnsuch cases, randomly divide them into control group(n=78) orally taking levofloxacin capsule and metronidazole tablets, and the treatment group takingrnPenyanjing Granule on the basis of control group; after 1 course, observe their signs, relieve of symptoms, total effective rate and side effects. [Result] The totalrneffects of 4 symptoms of abdomen bearing -down pain and back-waist ache, leucorrhea increment, uterus LOM and tenderness, ovarian ducts streakrntenderness were respectively 92.31%,87.93%,91.93% and 81.25% in treatment group, all better than control one; the first 3 had statistical meaning; the totalrneffective rate was 97.56% in treatment group, better than control one 89.74%, their difference was of statistical meaning; on comparison of side effects, therntreatment group had marked advantages with statistical meaning. [Conclusion] Penyanjing Granule infusion has definite cure effect on CPI, with little siderneffects, worthy clinical application.



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