首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >社会管理创新视野下中医药院校思想政治工作模式研究




Objective To discuss how to make ideological and political work have more pertinency and efficiency according to the Centre ’s reinforcing social management creation to promote ideological political work model in TCM col eges under the new situation.[Method] Under the social management creative view, the TCM col eges shal have a brand new model of ideological political work compared with that before. Therefore, esp. applying comparative research to compare the new ideological political work with past model, to discuss the construction of new ideological political work model. [Result] Promoting socialism harmonious construction is the basic value of the harmonious model of ideological political work, i.e. harmonious model based on humanism; meanwhile, the harmonious model shal insist on subjectivity, democracy, enlightening, persuasion, individual and effectiveness principles. So that, the types of the harmonious model system shal be: cultural, service, care, persuasion and participative types, i.e.“integration of five ones”.[Conclusion] We put forward the harmonious model of ideological political work which is fit for the needs of social management creation, helpful to the ideological political work of new shape in constructing harmonious social strategic objective.%[目的]探讨如何在新形势新情况下,按照中央关于加强社会管理创新的要求来推动中医药院校思想政治工作模式的创新,使思想政治工作更加富有针对性和实效性。[方法]社会管理创新视野下中医药院校思想政治工作模式应是区别与既往思想政治工作模式的一种全新模式。因此,特别突出运用比较研究法,把新的思想政治工作模式与既往思想政治工作模式进行比较,从而探讨新的思想政治工作模式的构建。[结果]促进社会主义和谐社会建设是思想政治工作和谐模式的根本价值,以人为本是思想政治工作和谐模式的基本原则。同时,思想政治工作和谐模式还必须坚持主体性原则、民主性原则、启发性原则、疏导性原则、个性化原则、实效性原则等。因此,思想政治工作和谐模式的机制和范型应为文化型、服务型、关怀型、疏导型、参与型“五位一体”。[结论]我们所提出的思想政治工作和谐模式就是适应了社会管理创新要求,有利于构建社会主义和谐社会战略目标实现的新形态的思想政治工作。



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