首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >探先师次公先生学术成就一二




[目的]探讨并学习中医临床家、教育家章次公先生的学术成就。[方法]回顾性总结、分析次公先生之成学经历、学术思想,并以临床经验举例。[结果]次公先生在学术上无门户之见,融各家之长,兼收并蓄,自成一派。次公先生研索和阐明中医传统理论精髓,并使之发扬光大。其治疗疾病时参透病因,从整体出发,以四诊八纲辨证论治为主;对于药物的运用,则在考证古人用药的基础上参合自己的经验,重于实践,灵活辨证。[结论]次公先生博览群书,学术精深,值得后人学习,其“发皇古义,融会新知”的精神更值得后人借鉴。%Objective To investigate Zhang CiGong who was traditional Chinese medicine doctor and educator ’s academic achievement. [Methods]To summarize and analysize Zhang CiGong’s learning experiences,academic thoughts and examples of clinical experiences. [Results]Zhang CiGong had no prejudice on academic schools, integrated various academic schools’s advantages and then turned into his’s own feature. Zhang CiGong researched and clarified the essence of traditional Chinese medicine theory, and made it flourish. He found the real cause of the disease when treatment,used the holistic approach and syndrome differentiation treatment. He gathered his own experience into the ancients experience and emphasis on practice when he gave Chinese Herbal. [Conclusions]Zhang CiGong’s learning was great and we should learn from him.



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