首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >张婷婷教授治疗不孕症用药规律及特色




[目的]整理张婷婷教授治疗不孕症的方药,分析用药规律及特色。[方法]收集2008年至2013年上海中医药大学岳阳中西医结合医院门诊不孕症患者148例,建立数据库,采用频次分析方法分析张婷婷教授治疗不孕症的用药规律。[结果]张婷婷教授治疗不孕症用药最多依次为茯苓、仙灵脾、生地;法则以治肝肾、补脾胃、调气血为主,方药多为补虚药,代表药物有仙灵脾、生地、菟丝子、当归等。药物归经多归肝经,其次为肾经、脾经、胃经。[结论]张婷婷教授治疗不孕症,以益肾疏肝为主,兼以顾护脾胃,养血调经,以通为合,用药推崇益肾填精、疏肝理气之品。%Objective] To clear up the formula and drugs used by Pro. Zhang Tingting for infertility, analyse the rule of using drugs and feature. [Method] Collect 148 infertility cases, set up database, take frequency analysis for the rule using drugs of infertility. [Result] The study finds most drugs of poria cocos, a fairy spleen, radix rehmanniae and the infertility principle is treating liver and kidney, tonifying spleen and stomach and regulating Qi and blood;the drugs are mostly tonics, such as herba epimedii, root of rehmannia, Semen Cuscutae and Angelica, etc.Drugs more belong to liver meridian, followed by kidney, spleen, stomach. [Conclusion] Zhang Tingting’s treating infertility mainly focuses on tonifying kidney to stretch liver, replenishing blood to regulate menstruation, to pass for joining;her using drugs stresses in tonifying kidney to fill essence, stretching liver to sooth liver.



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