


Li Liuqian was a famous poet in the period of early Southern Song Dynasty .He wrote a lot of poems and articles in his lifetime ,some of which has been scattered and lost in the history .But the remnants are considerable .Based on the historical materials ,this article mainly found:Li Liuqian(1123—1176) ,his ancestral home was Deyang County , Hanzhou while later his forefathers moved to Mianzhu County ,Hanzhou .In the year Shaoxing twenty -nine of Emperor Gaozong of Song(1159) ,Li Liuqian became Jiangshilang ,a title rewarded to him because of his father’s contribution to country ,and got the position of Lingquan Xianwei a year later .Li Liuqian was transferred to Yazhou Jiaoshou in the year Longxing two of Emperor Xiaozong of Song(1164) ,during when he became the subordinate of Yu Yunwen ,the governor of Sichuan Province at that time ,and offered advice .In the year Qiandao nine of Emperor Xiaozong of Song(1173) ,Li Liuqian went to the capital LinAn and then was recommended as the Jiaoshou of the Palaces ,resulting in his stay in Linan for more than one year .In the year Chunxi one of Emperor Xiaozong of Song(1174) ,he asked for a transfer to a place outside Linan and was promoted to Fengyilang with a nomination as the Vice‐Prefect of Tongchuan .His collected works , Danzhai ,consisting of eighty -nine volumes ,went lost later .The stuff ,who took responsibility for editing Complete Li‐brary in the Four Branches of Literature under Emperor Qianlong’s instructions ,gathered Li Liuqian’s remaining works according to Yongle Canon ,which turned out to be only eighteen volumes .%李流谦是南宋初期著名诗人,一生著述丰硕,其作品在历史变迁过程中虽有所散佚,流传至今者仍斐然可观。本文依据史料主要考出:李流谦(1123—1176),祖籍汉州德阳县,后迁家于汉州绵竹县。宋高宗绍兴二十九年(1159)以父荫补将仕郎,次年授成都府灵泉县尉。宋孝宗隆兴二年(1164)调任雅州教授,任内适逢虞允文宣抚全蜀,流谦入虞允文幕下,多有赞画。宋孝宗乾道九年(1173)赴临安,以荐除诸王宫大小学教授,在京年余。淳熙元年(1174)即力丐补外,磨勘循奉议郎,除通判潼川府。著有《澹斋集》八十九卷,后散佚,乾隆时四库馆臣据《永乐大典》所载辑为十八卷。



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