首页> 中文期刊> 《湛江师范学院学报》 >法租广州湾若干史实辨析




The correct time of the French put forward to lease Guangzhouwan should be in April 9, 1898.This demand was ratified by the Premier Government in the next day and emperor in April 25.But in the name of receiving the lease in April 22,French forced landing the Guangzhouwan without a series of important applications such as the exploration of the ground,discuss loan scope ,the handover formalities and so on.This behavior aroused the local people's stubborn resistance.Several times in battle,the Chi-nese killing nearly 300 people and French casualties about 60 people.French from military to economic goals because the setback and trying to occupy Hong Kong to compete with British in the region of south-ern China.Under the dual goal control,Guangzhouwan were placed in an awkward position,which has af-fected it's subsequent construction and development.%法国提出租借广州湾的准确时间应为1898年4月9日,次日,得总理衙门照复同意,25日始得皇帝批准。但法军越过查勘地面、商订租界四至、办理交接手续等一系列重要程序,4月22日便以接收租地为名,在广州湾地区强行登陆,激起当地民众的强烈抵抗。在数次交锋中,因实力悬殊,中方死伤近300人,法军亦有60人左右的伤亡。法国出于军事目的占领广州湾后,因计划搁浅而随即宣布转向经济目的,试图与占据香港的英国在中国华南地区展开竞争。在双重目标支配下,广州湾被置于一种尴尬的境地,影响了其后的建设与发展。



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