首页> 中文期刊> 《运城学院学报》 >《滕王阁序》创作时间疑案新断




王勃的名篇《滕王阁序》,在文学史上犹如明珠般璀璨夺目。其创作时间却一直众说纷纭,悬而未决,直接影响读者对全文内容的准确把握与深刻理解。因此,很有必要对《滕王阁序》的相关史料认真地甄别分析、去伪存真,还原历史的本来面貌。从史料的对比排查、《滕王阁序》本身文意的探幽析微、王勃其他文章寻绎线索等诸多方面,都可证明《滕王阁序》确系王勃上元二年(675)所作。%Wang Bo's "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion" was the diamond which was difficult to attain on ordinary works in the Chinese literary history. Nevertheless, the creation time of "Preface to the Tengwang Pavil- ion" was still unresolved. The grasping and understanding of the article content were influenced. It is necessary to eliminate the false and retain the true in order to restore the original appearance of that time. It has proved " Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion" was finished in the 2nd year of Shangyuan ( 675 ) from the contrast of historical materials, the detailed analysis of the article and the inquiring some clues of Wang Bo's other articles.



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