首页> 中文期刊>玉林师范学院学报 >青年毛泽东的思想及其外部世界--从《体育之研究》一文说起




采取纵、横比较的两种取向来考察毛泽东与其前人及同时代人在身体与体育观念上的异同,在纵向来说,《体育之研究》中的观点既延续康、梁等在上世纪初提倡的现代体育观念,但同时也包含了许多传统中医的知识,这种传统与现代知识并行不悖的现象,正生动地表现了上世纪初中国思想环境中文化多元的特点;从横向而言,20年代初的知识分子早已从身体及物质层面的革命,转向支持伦理与文化层面的革命,因此毛泽东的身体思想就显得有些“不合潮流”,无怪乎这篇长文发表以后,在思想界竟没有引起任何波澜了。%  This paper analyzes the differences and similarities in concepts of physical and sports among Mao Zedong, his predecessors and his contemporaries by taking lengthwise and crosswise comparison. In the lengthwise direction, we can see that, some viewpoints in “The Study of Physical Education” not only inherited modern sports concepts advocated by Kang-Liang in the last century, but also contained a lot of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, which vividly demonstrated the diversity of thoughts in the beginning 20th century. In the crosswise direction, we can also find out, the intellectuals in the early 1920s had changed their revolutionary goal from the physical and material aspects to the ethical and cultural aspects. Under this circumstance, Mao's physical education thought seemed somewhat out-of-fashion. It is be no wonder that after this long article was published, there was not too much response in ideological circle.



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