首页> 中文期刊> 《宜春学院学报》 >活出尊严活出价值——看刘兰芝的人格魅力




<孔雀东南飞>的女主人公刘兰芝是一位符合汉代妇女道德,同时又具有独立人格的女性形象.她视人格尊严高于一切,做好了该做的所有事情,可就是保不住自己的婚姻.因此,她以死拒绝再嫁,既是合人性的情感追求,也是在矛盾冲突中对女性道德规范的恪守;是"从夫"与"从父"两难道德中合情合理的选择.这正是刘兰芝可贵的地方,是一个弱者和被压迫者光辉;人格在当时历史条件下最美的表现.%The poet, Peacocks Flying Towards the Southeast, represents a female image with morality corresponding to that of women in Hart Dynasty and independent personality as welL The heroine, Liu Lanzhi, is a beautiful, quiet, kind and hard-working woman. She speaks and acts cautiously but not humbly. She values personal dignity more than anything else and does everything well as a wife in addition to a daughter, a daughter-in-law and a sister-in-law. She cant maintain her marriage, though. Hence, she resists remarrying at the cost of death. Such pursue not only accords with human nature but adheres faithfully to female morality in the contradictory and collision. Comply with his father'will or her husband's ? She makes a reasonable choice in the dilemma, which is just where her dignity is. What she does shows shining personality of the heroine, an oppressed one and that's just the source of the deeply-loved hterature image by readers.



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