首页> 中文期刊> 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 >文化复兴的困局与出路--从“内圣开新”到“公共儒学”




In order to break the cultural predicament of the Chinese nation since the early period of its modern era ,the Chinese elites have put forward a lot of solutions ,the dominant of which is the proposition of "being saint inside and seeking innovation outside".It is the mainstream paradigm of modern classical studies .Recently ,Deng Xize made severe and sharp criticism of the thought and proposed a transcending plan-public Confucianism .With the basic methodology of "problem+method+validity",public Confucian-ism demonstrates the value of historical culture from the perspective of public communication .As a consist-ent platform of thought generation and public communication of all times ,the Confucianism-led historical culture may continue to promote public communication and contribute feasible plans of cultural renais-sance ,hence it is the validity of the plan .%为了破解近代以降中华民族面对的文化困局,国人提出了不少解决方案,而内圣开新是主流思路,并成为现代古典学的主流范式。最近,学者邓曦泽对内圣开新思路进行了严格、尖锐的批评,并提出了超越性方案---公共儒学。公共儒学运用“问题+方法+效用”的基本方法论,从公共交往角度论证了历史文化的价值,即以儒学为主的历史文化之重要价值乃是作为古今一贯的思想共源与公共交往平台,促进公共交往,以之为基础,可以得出文化复兴的操作性方案,因此,它是有效的。



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