首页> 中文期刊> 《忻州师范学院学报》 >《金钱记》对《柳氏传》的改编探析




元代作家乔吉以唐传奇《柳氏传》为本事,创作了杂剧《金钱记》,在创作过程中,作者对其本事有了很多细节上的再创造。清代黄文旸在其《曲海总目提要》中对两篇作品细节上的差异做了简要的阐释,但未深入探析其变化原因。当代学者罗斯宁教授在其论文《两个韩翃形象的比较—看市井文化对元杂剧书生形象的影响》中,从宏观上考察韩柳爱情故事是在宋元俗文学蓬勃发展的影响下而发生的变化。文章旨在从微观角度出发,从故事细节的变化入手,结合元代特殊的社会背景和作家乔吉本身来考察其变化的具体原因。%The Story about a Golden Coin written by Qiao Ji has been adapted from the novel The Biography of Liu Shi,but there are many differences between two opuses.Qiao Ji had a lot of creative alteration in details.Huang Wenyang,who is a scholar of qing dynasty,he made a brief explanation of the differences,but he did not to analyze the reason of change deeply.Contemporary scholar Luo Sining who has a comparison between two images of Han Hong,and inquires into the cause of the creation of the image of Han Hong in The Story about a Golden Coin from the following two aspects:the spread and change of the story and the townspeople's consciousness in the pop culture.This paper,starting from the microscopic view details from the story,combining with the variations of the yuan dynasty special social background and writer's life experience to analyse the specific reasons of change.



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