首页> 中文期刊>信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >公共领域下中国公民与政府的互动逻辑——基于国家与社会关系的分析视角




The perspective of relationship between state and society is an important analysis dimension to reflect the degree on the inde- pendence of social space and the autonomy of social individuals. In the process of Chinese history, the country - dominated force plays a key role in promoting the changing relationship between state and society. Influenced by the traditional system and cultural concept, the relationship of "asymmetric dependence" between government and citizens is deep -rooted, resulting in lacking of a platform for interactive between Chinese citizens and government. In the current conditions such as social differentiation and diverse expression of interests, social interests will be effectively integrated through an organizational expression, which is a rational way to form a better in- teractive between Chinese citizens and government.%国家与社会关系视角是反映社会空间独立与主体自治性程度的一个重要分析维度。在中国历史进程中,以国家权威为主导的统治力量在推动国家和社会关系演变过程中扮演着关键性角色。受到传统体制和文化观念等共同作用,官民之间的"非对称性依赖"关系根深蒂固,这导致中国公民缺乏与政府互动的一个对等性平台。在当前社会不断分化、利益表达多元化的现实条件下,通过组织化的方式实现社会公共利益有效整合是官民良性互动形成的一条合理路径。



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