首页> 中文期刊>新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) >国际流域生态受益方补偿的困局与破解




To protect watershed resources and the environment and to promote the coordinated develop-ment of upstream and downstream regions, the compensation for the ecological beneficiaries has been widely practiced in various countries. In contrast, the compensation in international river basins is rare due to the existence of multiple barriers. It is still at the preliminary level regardless of its depth and breadth. To extend the compensation in international basins requires international legislations to establish the principle of ecological beneficiary compensation, strengthening organizations such as making corresponding changes in the form of the organization, membership and functions, and strengthening the cooperation among the concerned states to determine the rights and obligations of the parties by negotiation.%国内流域生态受益方补偿实践已在各国广泛展开,但由于多重障碍的存在,国际流域生态受益方补偿却并不多见。无论从深度上还是广度上,国际流域生态受益方补偿都尚停留于初级层面。要使生态受益方补偿充分运用于国际流域,就必须完善国际立法,确立生态受益方补偿原则;健全组织机构,在机构的形式、成员组成及职能等方面进行相应变革;加强流域国间的合作,以协商方式来确定各方在补偿中的权利及义务。



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