首页> 中文期刊>新疆艺术学院学报 >吴梅对中国戏曲教育事业之贡献的研究




吴梅先生是我国近代著名的诗词曲作家、戏曲理论家和教育家.他将毕生的精力贡献于中国戏曲的创作、理论研究以及教育教学工作.不仅在传统"曲学"的诸多领域取得了卓越的成就,还培养了一批在中国戏曲理论研究与表演艺术实践领域内知名的学者和艺术家.本文主要从高等院校的师生、戏班和科班的艺人以及在社集、曲集的曲友三类群体入手,全面梳理与总结吴梅先生在中国戏曲教育领域中的贡献.%Mr. Wu Mei is a famous modern Chinese poetry writer, drama theorist and educator. He devoted his entire life to the creation, theoretical research, and education of Chinese operas. He only has achieved outstanding achievements been in many areas of the traditional "Qu-Study", but also has trained a group of well-known scholars and artists in the field of Chinese opera theory research and performance art practice. This article focus on the teachers and students of colleges and universities, artists in theatrical troupes or majored in opera in colleges, as well as the group of musicians in the theatrical community, and comprehensively sort out and summarize Mr. Wu Mei's contributions in the field of Chinese opera education.



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