首页> 中文期刊>新疆医科大学学报 >小肠克罗恩病CT成像特征分析




Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of CT imaging on intestinal Crohn′s disease.Meth-ods 28 cases of Crohn′s disease that had been diagnosed as were conducted by dual source CT imaging. The imaging features of all cases were analyzed including location,wall thickening,luminal stenosis, strengthening features,range of lesions and complications.Results Of the 28 patients,there were 16 cases (57.2%)located in the terminal ileum and ileocecal,28 cases of bowel wall thickening stage (100%),20 cases of intestinal wall increase strengthen (71%),9 cases of intestinal obstruction (32%),4 cases of intra-abdominal abscess (14.2%),9 cases of mesangial proliferative lymph nodes (32%),7 cases of mesangial vascular bundle thickening and dilatation (25%),11 cases of bowel surrounding cellulitis (39.2%),4 cases of fistula formation (14.2%),2 cases of abdominal abscess (7.2%)and 3 cases of intes-tinal perforation (11%).Conclusion CT imaging of intestinal Crohn′s disease was specificity,especially for diagnosis of intestinal complications of Crohn′s disease has obvious advantages,which provide a strong basis for its clinical diagnosis.%目的:探讨 CT 小肠成像在克罗恩病中的诊断价值。方法对已明确诊断的28例克罗恩病患者进行双源 CT 小肠成像;分析所有病例的影像学特点,包括部位、肠壁增厚、肠腔狭窄、强化特点、病灶范围及并发症等。结果28例患者中发病部位为回肠末端及回盲部16例(57.2%),肠壁呈阶段性增厚28例(100%),肠壁强化增加20例(71%),肠梗阻9例(32%);腹腔内脓肿4例(14.2%),系膜区淋巴结增生肿大9例(32%),系膜区血管束增粗、扩张7例(25%),肠管周围蜂窝织炎11例(39.2%),瘘管形成4例(14.2%),腹腔脓肿形成2例(7.2%),肠穿孔3例(11%)。结论小肠克罗恩病具备特异性,CT 小肠成像较好,尤其对肠克罗恩病并发症诊断有明显优势,可为临床诊断提供较为可靠的依据。



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