首页> 中文期刊> 《新疆医科大学学报》 >乌鲁木齐地区无偿献血者 HCV 感染状况的调查研究

乌鲁木齐地区无偿献血者 HCV 感染状况的调查研究



目的:了解乌鲁木齐地区无偿献血者丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染状况及流行病学特点,探讨无偿献血人群特点和血液质量的关系,为减少 HCV 经血液传播、预防和控制 HCV 输血风险提供依据。方法收集2008年1月1日—2010年12月31日在乌鲁木齐市血液中心的无偿献血者的一般资料及抗-HCV 血液检测结果。结果共调查了140665名无偿献血者,其中男性无偿献血者86179名(61.27%),女性无偿献血者54486名(38.73%),年龄18~55岁。140665名无偿献血者中,抗-HCV 阳性率为5.52‰,抗-HCV 阳性率在性别、年份、学历分布上差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),在民族、年龄及职业分布上差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论建立一支固定的无偿献血队伍、加强临床科学用血等措施是减少 HCV 经血液传播、提高血液安全的有效途径。%Objective To know the incidence and the epidemiological characteristics of HCV infection among volunteer blood donors in Urumqi area,to explore the relationship between characteristic of volun-teer blood donors and the quality of their blood donation and to provide the basis of prevention and control risk of HCV transfusion.Methods Collecting the statistical data of blood donors from 2008.1.1 to 2010. 12.31 in Urumqi Blood Center,including the demographic characteristics and the results of Anti-HCV of volunteer blood donors.Results Among the 140 665 voluntary blood donors surveyed,86 179(61.27%) were males,54 486(38.73%)were females,ranging from 18 to 55 in age.The positive rates of Anti-HCV was 5.52‰.The positive rate of anti-HCV was not significantly associated with sex,age and education lev-el,but was significantly associated with ethnicity,age and occupation distribution.Conclusion The effec-tive ways to ensure blood safety include stable voluntary blood donors,blood detection method improve-ment and scientific utilization of blood etc.



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