首页> 中文期刊>新疆医科大学学报 >应用修复治疗对学龄前儿童口腔健康及相关生活质量研究




目的:研究学龄前儿童采取修复治疗对口腔健康及其家庭生活质量的影响。方法选择2015年3月-2016年2月在新疆医科大学第五附属医院口腔科接受预成冠或隐形义齿修复治疗的2~5岁患儿75例,分别在治疗前、后填写学龄前儿童口腔健康影响量表(ECOHIS),比较治疗前、后患儿生活质量变化。结果治疗前对患儿出现“吃饭困难”的频率最高,分别为“偶尔”(39.74%)、“经常”(16.67%)、“很频繁”(8%);治疗后患儿出现“吃饭困难”的频率分别为“偶尔”(14,67%)、“经常”(1.33%)、“很频繁”(0.00%)。治疗前对家庭影响最大的是家长因患儿得病而产生的“心里愧疚”,分别为“偶尔”(47.44%)、“经常”(35.90%)、“很频繁”(3.85%);治疗后家长因患儿得病而产生的“心里愧疚”,分别为“偶尔”(38.67%)、“经常”(29.33%)、“很频繁”(1.33%)。患儿治疗前 ECO-HIS 总分中位数为7.60分,治疗后复诊 ECOHIS 总分中位数为4.35分,治疗后得分低于治疗前得分,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论学龄前患儿采用口腔修复治疗恢复乳牙列的完整和咬牙合功能,能够有效改善患儿的口腔健康及其家庭生活质量。%Objective To study the influence of repair treatment over the oral health and quality of life of pre-school children receiving it.Methods Enrolled were 75 cases of 2-5 years old pre-school children who received the preformed crowns or the invisible denture treatment in the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University during March 2015 to Feburary 2016.These children enrolled were required to fill the early childhood oral health impact scale (ECOHIS)table before and after receiving treatment.in ad-dition,the variation of life quality before and after receiving treatment was compared.Results The fre-quency of “eating difficult”was shown to be highest before treatment,the extent of which was “some-times”,accounting for 39.74%,followed by “often”,accounting for 16.67%,then “always”which takes up 8%;after treatment,sometimes there was eating difficult was displayed to be accounting for 14.67%, followed by “often”(1.33%),then “always”(0.00%).Before treatment,sense of guilty due to the disease of Children was observed to be most influential for family, frequency of which was “sometimes”, accouting for 47.44%;followed by “often”,taking up 35.90%,then “always”which accounts for 3.85%;after treatment,sometimes there was a sense of guilty due to the disease of Children was shown to be 38. 67%,there was often sense of guilty was presented to be 29.33%,there was always sense of guilty was displayed to be 1.33%.the median of total score of ECOHIS before receiving treatment was shown to be 7. 60 whereas 4.35 after treatment,there was significant difference of median of total score of ECOHIS before and after treatment (P <0.05).Conclusion Repair treatment was shown to be capable of restoring the full recovery and grind function of baby teeth,which can effectively improve the oral health and life quality of pre-school children.



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