首页> 中文期刊>西昌学院学报(社会科学版) >民族地区高校在读大学生见习实践市场问题研究




民族地区高校在读大学生打工现象已不为鲜(笔者称之为在读大学生见习实践),时下正悄悄的成为大学生私底下谈论的话题,成为了大学生活的时尚,越来越多的大学生利用业余时间走出校园去见习实践。有的是为了赚取生活补贴,有的是为了给自己将来的就业寻求实践机会,有的是进行课程实习,无论出于什么考虑,总之一些在读大学生已经走出了校园,所以大学生“打工”现象比较常见。由于民族地区见习实践资源相对匮乏,因而市场对他们的待遇并不乐观,市场存在着一些问题,本文就此加以分析,提出民族地区高校在读大学生见习实践市场的合理化建议,以为维护在读大学生见习实践这一群体的合理利益。%It is a common phenomenon that college students do some part-time jobs(the author calls it college students’social practice in this paper) nowadays. Taking part-time job is becoming a heated topic as well as a fashion for college students. More and more students go out of the campus and practice in the society in their spare time. Some of them do it to earn an allowance, some are taking this advantage to prepare themselves for the future career, while others are putting what they have learned in college into practice. No matter what the reasons are, there are some college students doing part-time jobs. However, there are some problems do exist in the part-time job market due to the lacking of practice resources in minority regions. That is what this paper tries to analyze. Based on the analysis, the author put forward some suggestions to the construction of a rational part-time job market in order to safeguard the college students’immediate interests.



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