


Yan Mengqing and Lin Daiyu are two typical female characters in the history of Chinese fiction. They are perfect images of traditional Chinese lady which represents the author’s ideal. It suggests that the living beings are metaphor for human and those noble character of them reflects the purity of human nature, which suggest the two women’s destiny. By combining emotion and traditional ideas, the author also shows his appreciation on human nature .When it comes a sad ending that is about a premature death of the ladies, instead of giving a normal happy ending, it is an embodiment of the author’s new understandings towards life attitude. Besides, those stories of life and death appear that the author is positive about the good impact on kindness and caring.%燕梦卿和林黛玉是中国小说史上两个典型的女性形象,是中国传统淑女形象的理想化呈现。她们的身上寄托了作者的审美理想:以“草木”喻人,借物之高洁品质来写人之清净性情,并暗含人物的命运走向;情与礼的融合,表明作者对自然人性的欣赏;以早逝为结局的人生命运,打破了传统大团圆的书写模式,体现出作者对现实人生的种种思考和感悟,而不讳谈生死的写作态度则是作者肯定了死亡对美善的积极意义。



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