首页> 中文期刊>西安财经学院学报 >“德主刑辅,礼法并用”刑法思想在我国的传承与发展




刑法思想是指导立法和司法的理论基础。司法效果是产生刑法思想的实践源泉。中华民族从封建王朝的“德主刑辅,礼法并用”刑法思想到新民主主义时期的“镇压与宽大相结合”,再到新中国成立的“惩办与宽大相结合”,直至近年来国家实行的“宽严相济以及控制和慎重适用死刑”,它们既一脉相承,又发展创新。其宗旨在于注重教化挽救,打击极少数,争取大多数,减少社会对立面,增加和谐因素。以此为指导思想,则社会安定,经济繁荣;反之,重典治乱,虽救弊一时,但衰败亦促。%Cirminal law is the theoretic basis of supervising legislation and justice. The effect of justice is the practical source of creating the thoughts of cirminal law. The thoughts of criminal law of China has been update and innovated from"Supplementing, Ritual and law" in the feudal dynasty to "The Combination of Punishment and Leniency" in the founding of the New China, to "The Temper Justice with Mercy and Control and Carefully Apply the Death Penalty" in recent year. The aim is to focus on enlightenment and saving, blowing rare for most, reducing the social opposition and increasing harmonious factors. With this guiding ideology, the society will be secure and the economy will be prosperous.



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