首页> 中文期刊> 《武陵学刊 》 >清初雷州地区的平乱与社会重建




During the periods of Shunzhi and Kangxi, Leizhou Area was in riot and turbulence. The army of the Ming Dynasty and that of the Qing Dynasty fought with each other there;some farmers incapable of affording tax were forced to become pirates and robbers. All these led to turbulence in Leizhou Area. The Qing Government took some measures to settle the riot and turbulence in Leizhou Area:wiping out robbers by gathering army all over China, offer-ing place and land to homeless farmers, restoring school and banning bad practice and so on. In the later period of Kangxi, the riot and turbulence in Leizhou Area was gradually settled and the economy was gradually restored, which laid a solid foundation for the social and economic development in the future.%  清初顺治、康熙两朝,值改朝换代之际,地处边陲的雷州地区,几十年间处于局势动荡之中。不仅明清两朝军事力量在此展开长期的、势均力敌的搏杀、争夺;一些没有能力承担苛捐杂税、“征粮比饷”的民众被逼上“梁山”;一些不法之徒也乘乱而起,趁火打劫。这些被封建官府统称为“盗”、“贼”、“寇”的团伙,占据山区、海岛,不时四出剽掠,杀害人命,使雷州大地处于满目疮痍之中。在此过程中,清朝廷及地方官府一方面征调军事力量,对雷州各地的“盗贼”进行征剿;另一方面又在军事、行政上做了大量工作:修武备、固边防,禁暴虐、除积弊,招抚流民、垦荒种植,复兴学校教育等等,使被长期动乱摧毁的地方经济逐渐得到恢复、发展。清初雷州地区的动乱至康熙朝才渐被平息,雷州社会的动荡局势才渐趋和平安定,为日后雷州地区经济的发展、文教的昌盛奠定了基础。



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