首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >扁桃在昆明引种区的枝条、花芽及果实生长特性




对从美国加州引种至昆明树木园的Nonpareil和Carmel两扁桃品种的物候,当年生枝、花芽分化及果实发育的观测结果发现:扁桃在昆明2月上旬萌动生长,随即进入初花期,2月中下旬为盛花期,3月上旬显现幼果;3~6月为枝条生长旺盛期;7月中旬果实成熟。正常情况下,11月开始落叶。枝条生长具有两次高峰,分别出现在3月中下旬和5月下旬至6月上旬(2次枝)。花芽自4月下旬开始分化,经分化前期、花萼期、萼片期、花瓣期、雄蕊分化期、雌蕊分化期,至7月下旬花芽形态分化基本完成。果实发育分3个阶段:第1阶段为果实发育期,历时30天左右;第2阶段为硬核期60天左右;第3阶段为成熟期25天左右。%The phenophase, branches of the present year, differentiation of flower bud and development of fruit of Nonpareil and Carmel introduced from America were observed. The results show these two varieties of Amygdalus communis begin to sprout in early of Feb. in Kunming. Later of Feb. is their profuse flowering period and early Mar. is the pubera. From Mar. to June, the branches grow fastest and the fruit mature in July. Generally, The leaves begin to fall in Nov.. The growth of branches shows two peaks, one is in later of Mar. and another is in later of May and early of June. The flower buds begin to differentiate in later of April, till later of July, the differentiation completes. The development of fruit need three stages, the first is the fruit development period which will be 30 days or so, the second is pit harden period which will be 60 days or so, and the third is maturation period which will be 25 days or so.



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